W17 D2: Mission Fail
Good morning JHM nation, today the robot experienced all sorts of problem: from the shooter malfunctioning to the autonomous getting...
W17 D1: New and Improved Shooter
Good morning JHM nation, today we tweaked our shooter to the new and improved model. The old model used a big slip gear that took...
W16 D2: Preloaded Ball
Good morning JHM nation, today we decided to remove our previous ball picking up device because of the problems it was causing. In order...
W16 D1: Practice Makes Perfect
Good morning JHM nation, today we basically spent the whole time in the arena practicing. Dylan practiced all the different challenges...
W15 D2: Timed Trial
Good morning JHM nation, today we began to time our selves for the midterm challenge. Timing ourselves created a sense of urgency and...
W15 D1: In the Ring
Good morning JHM nation, today we placed our near complete robot into the ring to practice for the midterm. We nominated Dylan as our...
W14 D2: New Ball Grabber!!
Good morning JHM nation, today we finally designed a device to effectively pickup the ball. We used two gears and separated them with...
W14 D1: New Cone Picker-Upper
Good morning JHM nation, today we discovered a new way to pick up cone while trying to find a new ball grabber device. The device we...
W13 D2: The Journey towards a New Bot
Good morning JHM nation, today we began work on rebuilding the entire robot to be as efficient and mobile as possible. We tweaked the...
W13 D1: New Week, New Design
Good morning JHM nation, today we decided to take apart our entire robot due to our old design being incapable of completing the...