W3 D2: The First Annual Rebuild
Good afternoon JHM nation, today our first annual rebuild of the robot took place. We switched from 4-Wheel drive to 4.5 wheel drive...

W3 D1: Direct Drive Time
Good afternoon JHM nation, today we spent majority of the class playing a game similar to the "Cone Flip" game we played with last year...

W2 D2: Week 2 Complete!!
Good afternoon JHM nation, today concludes week 2 of our VEX robots challenge. This week we built our robot, programmed it, and drew up...

W2 D1: Code Complete!!
Good Morning JHM nation. Today we spent the entire hour and a half perfecting and working out the quirks in our code. Our code is...

W1 D2: End of Week 1
Hello JHM nation, today we finished the construction of our robot. We used the big wheels in order to climb the boxes in the arena. Our...

W1 D1: First Day Out
Today we started building our robot’s chassy. We are going to use the bigger wheels in order to climb on to the highest platform to...